Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Waiting for photo. Where oh where did the schoolies go? There were frigate birds on tuna from 600' to 1,000'. Tuna were fun to catch, but our client wanted a dolphin. Weeds were broken and scattered from 400' south, lots of bait, but only small jacks knocking out baits down. Fortunately I did my homework and was aware the gulf stream had moved out and the cooler water line was at 1,000'. At 1,000' ('bout 30 miles) we found 3 frigate birds and about 50 other birds running rampant. Hooked up a large gaffer bull dolphin that kept us occupied for the next half hour. A small boat came up and caught the cow and in doing so put the birds to flight. All the birds left in every direction. Another 5 miles south looked like the barren sea; no birds or weeds.

The good news! This was Clint's first trip offshore fishing and just wanted to experience catching something bigger than the bass and catfish he was accustomed to catching. Thrilled not only with catching more dophin and tuna than his family could eat on their visit but also by the offshore adventure of the hunt; the blue water, fishing the rips, seeing the tuna breaking water while chasing bait, the flying fish, the white knuckling from the bridge (3-5' seas in rips). According to Clint, he had one of the most exciting and memorable experiences of his life. Let us not forget our first big catch offshore nor think that you have to catch a wheel barrow full of dolphin every trip to have a successful trip. It is still fishing and fishing in the Florida Keys is absolutely the best. Clint is topping off his trip by taking his family to Sombrero light for some snorkeling. That too is awesome!

Come to "Capt. Pips Marina and Hideaway" and fish with Capt. Gator & David for the experience of a lifetime.

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About Me

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A native Floridian (Panama City, Fl.) that grew up entertaining vacationers and is still loving every minute of it. Nothing is more fun than seeing you catch that fish of a lifetime, whether it be a tropy fish or a rare species. Got my captain's license in 1963 and still get "buck fever" when we catch a fish. Been fishing the keys full time for 6 years and vacationed here for 10 years prior to moving here. 3 children, 2 grand children and a wonderful wife of 30 years. Absolutely living the dream in Paradise.