Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Captain Gator and crew strike again. Better be careful for what you ask for, especially when in the Florida Keys. Tina Felton (holding the flag) asked for a "wall hanger" and we obliged with a 70+ lb. sailfish. She earned bragging rights and took almost an hour landing it. Capt. Dalvid Hoffman just wanted some Mahi Mahi for supper and landed a 20 lb. cow and 18 lb. bull. Like to thank them for feeding the employees at Porkys Bayside with the extra schoolies they caught. #1 mate (David) also shown.

As for the "how to do it", I can simply say, "different ways for different days". Conditions change daily and the more you fish an area the better your "educated guess" is going to be.

When the Gulf Stream is in close (10-12 miles) you can almost guarantee fish will be at the edge of the stream. Visit "Captain Pips" for more on Capt. Gator and charters.

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About Me

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A native Floridian (Panama City, Fl.) that grew up entertaining vacationers and is still loving every minute of it. Nothing is more fun than seeing you catch that fish of a lifetime, whether it be a tropy fish or a rare species. Got my captain's license in 1963 and still get "buck fever" when we catch a fish. Been fishing the keys full time for 6 years and vacationed here for 10 years prior to moving here. 3 children, 2 grand children and a wonderful wife of 30 years. Absolutely living the dream in Paradise.